
GoferBroke; Not your average business advice.

With particular interest in building stakeholder, client and employee relationships
This week is volunteers’ week. Does that mean anything to your business?
2042-06-05 15:36   This week is volunteers’ week. Does that mean anything to your business?   Does your business have a meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility programme? Does it demonstrate Social Value within ...
Time to ditch 'Manager'​ and 'Leader'​?
2024-01-31 16:30   Time to ditch 'manager'​ and 'leader'​?   ‘Manager’, ‘Leader’, or something different? Do we need a new word for the person who, traditionally, is at the head of a team and responsible for old fa...
The benefits of a ‘wellbeing job’
2023-04-18 12:29   The benefits of a ‘wellbeing job’   I’ll be honest, I struggled through lockdown; stuck at home and staring at a screen all day with only Zoom for company. Having said that, I won’t knock Zoom; I...
The Great Resignation is coming: Are your staff on the first train out?
2020-04-07 13:41 The Great Resignation is coming: Are your staff on the first train out?   I left a toxic work environment a while ago ago: I’d moved into a different department and found the Fixed Mindset unbearabl...
